There is so much already happening in Aylesbury which is demonstrating the strength, self-reliance, assertiveness and community spirit which we want to build upon to make Aylesbury a more sustainable town, and to help us all reduce our collective carbon footprint. We think it would be great to share the work being done and the efforts being made to these aims, and are hoping to work with local businesses and groups to showcase what they’re doing.

“To volunteer for something is a decision in favour of the world where someone stops and helps. It’s as if to say: ‘I want things to be nicer, more lovely, more trusting, less suspicious, less mean-spirited, less angry, and this is my small way of helping to achieve this, even if it’s only a drop in the bucket.’ If enough people think like this, such a world comes to pass.”

Alex Quick, ‘102 Free Things to Do’

Aylesbury’s Sustainable Directory